A Snow Day

The Good Life



                            A  Snow Day

A snow day, a day filled with laughter and joy, a day with a beautiful environment. The day where children build snowmen, make snow angels, go sledding, and have snowball fights. That is what we did three days in a row. On the second day, the ground, cars, plants/bushes, roofs, and roads were all filled with snow. My little cousin and I made a snowman head because we failed twice at building a full-figured snowman. After we played for about thirty minutes and my hands were freezing. When we got back inside the house, I could not feel my hands. I was not too far away from having frostbites which would have been very painful. Despite my hands almost freezing, we went out on the third day with a sled made of cardboard boxes and slid down the hill filled with lots of snow. We buried our sleigh to see how long it would still be there and also because there was nothing else to do. The next day, our sleigh was gone. We did not expect that it would vanish so soon. We enjoyed our snow day and made the best out of it. Always enjoy life while it last because life is short.

                                                              The Good Life Blog
      Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.



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