
Showing posts from November, 2020

Good Night

The Good Life


The Good Life

A Day to Give Thanks

The Good Life Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2019 occurs on Thursday, November 28. However, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on a different date. In 1957, the Canadian Parliament proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the second Monday in October, which is called Columbus Day in the United States.  For Christians, Thanksgiving not only has a patriotic history, but it also has spiritual roots that go back to the Old Testament. In the United States, Thanksgiving is historically a day to praise and thank God the Father for blessings and to ask Him to heal the wounds of the nation. It was also a national day of penitence to humbly repent for our sinfulness and disobedience.   Thanksgiving became a national holiday in 1863. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving: As a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly du

Wonderful Night

The Good Life

Good Morning!!

The Good Life.   

Sleep So Tight

The Good Life


The Good Life “Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips and shows itself in deeds.”  – Theodore Roosevelt

Good Morning

The Good Life

Good Night

The Good Life Good Night The night sky  A treat to the eye   The silver crust of Moon Swells, shrinks, swells as the tiny bright stars dance  To the silent mellow tune  Darkness bounds As I shut my eyes in meditation  whispering breeze, the only sound Soon dissolves as I become in one  With the night sky GOOD NIGHT!!!!!             

Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people!!!

The Good Life  

Why War?

The Good Life Why War? Why are we at war? War is a worldly recourse Our military is hardcore  But, hatred is an evil force Hatred is the absence of God For which war can not cure  We turn to our military squad  To make us feel secure With the regulations of homeland security  And with heightened border patrol  Is this our guaranteed surety? Or is it pretext to gain control? God is the answer to peace  Prayer is the cure for hate Thru thee, war will cease Transgression will be left at the gate  Believe that God is omniscient  He knows and sees all His loving grace is sufficient  All we have to do is call Our soldiers lose their lives  We must remember to pray  For their husbands and wives  That they have comfort each day I11-defined is the true cause Could it be we want all power? Hold every round of applause  We're under watch each hour To love -- is God's demand  He said to depart from evil and do good Love thy neighbor is his command  Why is his word so misunderstood?

Good night & Sleep tight

The Good Life


The Good Life Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.

Rise and Shine

The Good Life    Rise and Shine As the moon returns home, she whispers to the sun "Time to rise and shine. The world awaits you." While the sun stires. he heads out from underneath the blanket of the night's sky. He stretches and yawns, slowly making his way up to the grand stage. He looks back to catch a glimpse of his love and smiles. She winks back. "Showtime!" In an instant, he is ready to embrace the world again. And with his arms spread wide open. he gently kisses the horizon, releasing his way higher into the sky. he calls out to all who listen. "Hello, big beautiful world! It's a brand new day. So make it a good one!"

Good Night My Friend

The Good Life  Good Night My Friend  Good night my friend Good night my friend, The night is here to stay, Sleep in peace as you will, Wait for another bright day, Forget everything that is on your mind, Because night is the time to unwind, Goodnight my friend and so tight, Close your eyes and sleep with might, Good night my friend!

Sweet Dreams

The Good Life Sweet Dreams       As you drift off to sleep, may you feel the love of your angles. May your burdens be lifed. May you dance across the heavens. And may you awaken feeling refreshed, inspired and  connected with the beauty of your soul.

The Good Life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge

The Good Life On THE GOOD LIFE,  we show love and we are filled with knowledge. If you are filled with knowledge you can't be fooled and if you always show love you always have a person or even a group of people by your side. We should love everyone even those who are different from us such as poverty people or even people with mental problems. They are no different from the rest of us because we are all humans created by the one and only God. Nun of us are perfect and we shouldn't ever look down on a person because we have something that they don't. Let's give each other a hug every now and then and it will always make a person feel better.

A Friend

The Good Life                                                 A Friend A friend is one of a kind Usually, they are hard to find  A friend has a unique blend And, with them you don't have to pretend  A friend is true When times are hard they will help you through A friend will never intentionally hurt you That is why they are so few A friend is giving  And always forgiving  A friend would never hate  To this I know you can relate A friend is not jealous  Instead they are zealouse A friend will applaud success Grateful that you are blessed A friend is a morning dove They are so full of love A friend keeps in touch Letting you know they care so much A friend could never be estrange For their commitment could never change A friend will sometimes disagree  But, that's expected wouldn't you agree A friend shares a special bond  That goes way beyond A friend will be there until the end  On that, you can depend.

A shiny Good Night

The Good Life Feel your heart, As you shut your eyes, Sleep more tight, As I say good night, All the stars which are so bright, Forget all the worries and fright, Stay calm, because its night A very sweet good night! Good Night!!

Never Make Permanent Decisions On Temporary Feelings.

The Good Life Things may happen where we get very upset. Let's say there is someone who has been very jealous of you and would do anything just to hurt you and they go and bomb your 2021 Acura. You are so mad you go and kill the person mentally and physically. A car is a materialistic item that can be replaced but your freedom cannot. That decision could end you up in prison for the rest of your life but that feeling will not always last. That is making a permanent decision on temporary feelings.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance , you must keep moving.

The Good Life In life no matter the struggle you keep moving towards your goal. If there is someone holding you down peddle harder because it is only going to get better for you and worst for them.

Good Night

The Good Life The moon is shining bright, The sun is now nowhere in sight. The stars are twinkling with all their might, While there's darkness outside, left & right. So let us now turn off the light, and wish each other a very good night. Good night

The Bird On The Branch

The Good Life Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still, she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings. We have to be strong for one another as this bird is doing because these are some trying times during this pandemic. We have to stay inside, wear our masks, and wash our hands.


The Good Life Drink and be thankful to the host! What seems insignificant when you have it, is important when you need it.


The Good Life Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness & bad days give you experience.